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TUdi organises an open field workshop on soil health in Spain

2 February 2023
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The project coordination team from CSIC together with AgriSat Iberia SL will hold a workshop for Spanish stakeholders on 8 February 2023 in La Losa farm, Cuenca, Spain. The event will include a presentation of the project and a field visit near Júcar river.

During the presentation, participants will learn of the objectives, progress and next steps of TUdi, with soil health being the main topic of discussion. It will be followed by a workshop on the installation of dams in the field as a tool for prefabricated parts for gully control and a demonstration of the TUdi’s woody erosion recognition guide. 

Furthermore, the organisers will show, test and collect feedback on the TUdi tools under development related to soil health, including the TUdi's carbon tool and organic amendments.

We will provide an update with more information and insights from the presentation after the meeting.

Image: The agenda for the stakeholder workshop