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SHui Agricultural Brokerage Innovation Event on 26 April

1 April 2022
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On 26 April 2022, a meeting will be held to allow companies and stakeholders from the agricultural sector and the development of digital applications for agriculture to get in touch with research groups which have developed different tools in the context of the SHui project. SHui (Soil Hydrology research platform underpinning innovation to manage water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems) is a Horizon 2020 project in cooperation with China ending in September 2022.

The aim of this meeting in Murcia, Spain, is to facilitate the exploitation of these innovations, diverse and currently at different degrees of development, setting and reinforcing relationships that promote their implementation out of the project.

The meeting will have a hybrid format (online or in-person participation at the convenience of each attendee). 

If you have any questions, please contact Pedro Nortes, [email protected].


09:0009:30 General Introduction
 SHUI Innovation (Jose Alfonso Gomez and Juan José Alarcón, CSIC)
 Context and Opportunities for Collaboration with China in Research and Innovation (Adrián Gutiérrez and Beatriz Torralba, CDTI/MICIN ChinaSpain Network alliance)
 Exploitation of innovation results in the international market (Wei Sun, Profinanza & Partners)

09:3011:00 Showcase of SHUI Innovation results
 TreeWat Model. (Margarita García, IASCSIC)
 The Green Carbon tool: Tree Crops CO2 Removal Capacity Calculation Tool (Ioannis Spanos, TERRANOVA)
 Grapevine water balance model to predict vine water status (WaterVitis) (Diego Intrigliolo, CEBAS-CSIC)
 Decision support tool for best design of check dams for gully erosion control, optimizing costs on the base of check dam height and materials used for construction (Jose Alfonso Gómez, IASCSIC)
 Shui catalogue of Best Management Practices (Jose Alfonso Gómez, IASCSIC)
 A spatial random forest model (SRF) for predicting crop water stress index. (Peters Aviva, TERRAVISION and AROVolcani Center)

11:0011:15 Coffee Break
11:1513.00 Innovation activities related with SHUI project and cooperation with China
 Early Warning for Waterrelated Climate Risks (CLIMALERT, Manuel Erena, IMIDA)
 Crop diversification and lowinput farming cross Europe: from practitioners' engagement and ecosystems services to increased revenues and value chain organisation DIVERFARMING, Raul Zornoza, Universidad Politécnica Cartagena, UPCT)
 Precision Irrigation Management to improve Water and Nutrient use efficiency (PRECIMED, María Fernanda Ortuño, CEBASCSIC)
 Efficient use and management of conventional and nonconventional water resources through smart technologies applied to improve the quality and safety of agriculture in semiarid areas (WATERMED 4.0, Antonio Skarmeta, Universidad de Murcia, UMU)
‐ AZUD Technological solutions for water saving and optimization (Javier Juárez, SISTEMA AZUD, S.A)
 An Operational Drought Early Warning and Forecasting System for quantifying risks of crop and water supply by using machine learning and multisource and multisensor datasets (INFOSEQUIA, Sergio Contreras, FUTUREWATER)
 Promoting sustainable irrigation management and nonconventional water use (PROSIM, Francisco Pedrero, CEBASCSIC)
13:4516:00 Networking lunch
16:0017:30 Time available for bi
lateral meetings